Dentists are reporting a growing number of male patients with oral cancer due to the Human papilloma virus (HPV), yet Jeremy Hunt still stands by his decision not to roll out the vaccine to boys across the UK.

Health chiefs continue to back up the claims that the injection is simply not cost effective, regardless of the rising number of men dying from HPV related cancers.
HPV-related cancers are increasing in the UK and oropharyngeal cancer has overtaken cervical cancer as the leading HPV-related malignancy with a massive mortality rate of 2,386 compared to the 900 lives cervical cancer takes.

Since 2008 the HPV vaccine has been issued to girls aged 12-13 to prevent future issues such as cervical cancer. It also prevents most genital warts. Many an argument has risen regarding the benefits of issuing it to boys under 18, however nothing has come to pass due to the radical views of number-crunching politicians and governing bodies.

So let’s look at the statistics.

Cancer alone, costs the NHS £5 BILLION per year. In 2016 the NHS increased its budget for cancer drugs from £280 million to £340 million.
£20 million is budgeted for girls to receive the HPV vaccine per year and we can estimate that would double if boys also were included in this scheme.
It begs the question, Is prevention better than cure?

It clearly is cheaper.

Sexual health services are already suffering due to recent budget cuts and now large cities such as London are on the brink of epidemic failures.
South west boroughs of London have already seen a rise in STI cases and in some areas the pressure has forced some clinics to close.
Local doctors have described the cuts as “reckless” and “unworkable”.

While the funding argument continues, the budget for this year is likely to be cut again.
Many private clinics are becoming busier and busier due to the growing issue.

Private care has provided many families with the peace of mind that they can protect their sons, as well as their daughters against future life threatening illnesses.

As well as providing the HPV vaccine, private clinics have also eased the “congestion” of appointments due to STI and STD issues in London.