I would like to let you know that I am now providing prescriptions for HIV PREP on a private basis. PREP or pre-exposure prophylaxis is given to HIV-negative patients at high risk of catching HIV. It is not yet available on the NHS and might not be till late 2016. I feel this is too long to wait. Research has shown that by correctly taking  PREP the risk of catching HIV is reduced by 86%. Together with condom use, this is another weapon in the arsenal to protect against HIV infection and I feel it is important to offer this option to my patients now, rather than make them wait till the NHS catches up.

Private Prescriptions for PREP

I  can either do a prescription and you can source the medication yourself, or I can obtain the medication for you. I would need confirmation of negative HIV status which I can do for you on the day with a simple blood test. We will go through all the potential risks and side effects and discuss any adherence issues. I can also do any other routine blood tests and monitor you for side effects.

Together we can make a difference. If you would like to discuss this further please call me on 02031979100.