Your Private GP and Sexual Health Clinic in Canary Wharf

HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and high risk HPV causes cancer

Dr Wayne Cottrell:

  • It is estimated about 80% of sexually active adults will have a strain of HPV at some point
  • HPV infection usually causes genital warts, but some of the high-risk strains like 16/18, can cause genital cancers
  • Routine vaccination against HPV is now recommended
  • We recommend vaccination to all our sexually active adults


  • Intermenstrual bleeding
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Discomfort, bleeding during sex
  • Vaginal bleeding after menopause
  • Anal, rectal bleeding
  • Anal discomfort, itching
  • Growths or lumps
  • Persistent, unexplained pain in the throat
  • Persistent lump in the throat
  • Metallic taste, bleeding
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Persistent hoarseness.



  • Visual inspection of the affected area (speculum, proctoscopy)
  • HPV PCR testing via swab from affected area
  • PAP smear (cervical or anal) to detect pre-cancerous changes

Testing and Treatment

  • Visual inspection of the affected area (speculum, proctoscopy)
  • HPV PCR testing via swab
  • PAP smear (cervical or anal) to detect pre-cancerous changes
  • If the PAP, anal smear picks up any changes, we would refer for a colposcopy or anoscopy
  • Most current treatments involve watch and wait or removal of any affected cells
  • There is now some anecdotal evidence that HPV vaccination also might help reduce the risk of high risk HPV progressing to cancer, so we recommend vaccination to all our patients
Dr Wayne Cottrell will be back in the clinic from 18 October and the clinic will be open every weekday from that date

Canada Place Shopping Mall
34 North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 5HX

Tel: 0203 197 9100

Monday: 11:00-17:30
Tuesday: 11:00-17:30
Wednesday: 09:30-17:30
Thursday: 11:00-14.30
Friday: 11:00-13.30
Saturday: 11:30-15:00