Your Private GP and Sexual Health Clinic in Canary Wharf
Sex is a lot of fun, but it does carry some risks
We are here to help you mitigate those risks
- Regular STI screening is vital as many STIs have no symptoms, and infections can easily be missed
- Diagnosing and treating an STI early on is easier, and it means you are less likely to pass it on
- Being honest about your sexual history with new partners will help build trust and keep both partners safe
- Always screen for STIs before starting a new sexual relationship
- Know your limits when it comes to alcohol and drugs, as they can impair inhibitions and increase sexual risk-taking
- Speak to your doctor about any new symptoms
- Still, the easiest and most effective way to protect yourself against a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and unwanted pregnancy
- Remember to use lots of water-based lubricants (oil based lubricants will damage latex condoms)
- Provided the condom is put on correctly, stays on throughout the sex, and doesn’t break, it should protect you against HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhoea,mycoplasma and chlamydia
- Condoms do not give complete protection against STI’s such as Herpes or genital warts
- Remember that STI’s also transmit through oral sex, so condoms won’t protect you
- A barrier protection method for oral-vaginal or oral-anal sex (rimming)
PREP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis)
- An extremely effective way to protect against HIV infection
- It involves taking one of the drugs we use to treat HIV on a daily or as-needed basis
- It is very effective in protecting against HIV infection
- I recommend PREP to all my sexually active patients
- Remember that PREP doesn’t protect you against other STI’s
- If you have had a potential high-risk exposure for HIV, ask for PEP
- PEP needs to be started as soon as possible after the event and no later than 72 hours
- If you think you have been exposed, please see a doctor immediately, either at your local GUM clinic or A&E over weekends
- We are able to source a starter pack of PEP if needed for same-day delivery to the preferred address (weekdays only)
- This will give you enough medication for a week to allow you time to attend an NHS sexual health clinic
Preventative Vaccines
Hepatitis A vaccination:
- Prevents infection with Hepatitis A virus
- Passed on through certain types of sexual activities involving the feco-oral route (rimming)
- Recommended for all MSM patients
Hepatitis B vaccination:
- Prevents infection with Hepatitis B virus
- Hep B can be sexually transmitted
- It affects the liver and can cause liver scarring (fibrosis) and cirrhosis, leading to liver failure or liver cancer
- Recommended for all MSM or anyone with an increased risk of blood exposure, such as healthcare workers, sex workers, etc
HPV vaccination:
- A preventative vaccine against the 9 most common types of HPV
- HPV causes genital warts and certain cancers (cervical, anal, throat, penile, vaginal)
- It is licensed as a preventative vaccine for all patients up to the age of 45, but I recommend it to all my sexually active patients
- There is some evidence that it also helps patients who already have HPV infection
If you are concerned about or just want advice on STI’s, please call: 0203 197 9100 or contact us via email at:
For more information or to book an appointment call our clinic on the number below:
Dr Wayne Cottrell will be back in the clinic from 18 October and the clinic will be open every weekday from that date